Kaleb Cooper hopes young people will see farming as a potential career
Coming from a non-farming background, Kaleb Cooper knows there are many obstacles stopping youngsters from getting into agriculture, including encouragement at school.
He has made it one of his mission's, through his role on Clarkson's Farm, his agricultural bursary with the Royal Agricultural University and his books, to showcase just what farming can offer.
He has recently pledged his support for a petition to get rural education into schools, which Farmers Guardian has partnered on as part of its pledge to showcase the industry's value to wider society.
He said: "Rural subjects, food and farming should be part of our basic school education, and I'm passionate about highlighting how important farming is to all.
"Like me, you don't have to come from an agricultural family or background to get into farming, or just understand where our food comes from and how to eat well."
You can sign the petition here or find out more information here
LISTEN NOW: The fight for rural education