Spotting early signs of mastitis can help to manage and treat ewes
It is well-known that legume crops such as peas and beans benefit from the use of an appropriate inoculant, and now experts suggest it could be the same for maize crops
New research has highlighted how breeding for good fore udder attachment and udder depth can help prevent cases of Udder Cleft Dermatitis (UCD)
Regular foot bathing is key to controlling digital dermatitis within the dairy herd, but active lesions should also be treated individually for effective long-term control
Agricultural expert Paul Harris, of REAL Success, explores some of the common issues for farmers when it comes to recruitment, HR and succession
Following a number of confirmed cases of avian influenza, poultry keepers are being urged to stay vigilant for signs of the disease and adhere to the latest control measures
Farmers urged to be ready to spray as soon as conditions improve
Farmers are urged to stay vigilant this lambing and calving season after cases of Schmallenberg have been identified in southern Scotland
Vet and youngstock specialist Kat Hart, of The George Farm Vets, provided some hints and tips as part of a webinar hosted by Galebreaker
Managing on-farm risk factors is key to preventing cases of both foul in the foot and corkscrew claw in the dairy herd