Grass and maize crops could have nutrient deficiencies this autumn and winter, due to the wet spring, so farmers should consider getting forage sampled ahead of feeding out
High concentrate diets and acidic clamp silage are some of the main causes of sub-acute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows
Optimal rumen health and function is key to achieving efficient and economic beef finishing systems
Athletes bemoan lack of meat, dairy and eggs as France champions its sustainable Olympic Games
Feed contamination by mycotoxins is a growing and major challenge facing pig and poultry producers
The impact of the wet winter and spring are likely to be felt into the coming winter feeding season says Trouw Nutrition following the announcement of results from the first 500 silage samples analysed this year
Hope low-energy kelp extraction will enhance soil and animal health while reducing reliance on chemical inputs
Keeping laying hens longer can help reduce the carbon footprint of egg production through increased lifetime performance.
Managing the risk factors associated with mycoplasma bovis is key to controlling the disease on-farm and protecting naive youngstock
QMS board member and dietitian, Dr Carrie Ruxton, explores the nutritional value of red meat and the risks of switching to plant-based diets