A spokesperson for River Action said: "It was a genuine mistake corrected minutes later in the BBC programme"
Feed contamination by mycotoxins is a growing and major challenge facing pig and poultry producers
Customers could expect to see lower carbon beef products on the retailer's shelves by 2026
While the 2023 maize silage season yielded good volume, silage performance is disappointing according to extensive analysis by ForFarmers forage experts
Farmers wanting to get the most from a newly available methane inhibitor should seek support on how to feed it as part of a strategy to reduce the environmental impact of dairy rations
New reoprt says global market will have to work together to ensure sustainable transition as growing population and greener fuels add to land use burden
Silage results look to be reflective of the variable weather conditions and indicate precise rationing will be key to maintain intakes
With autumn approaching, it is time to gauge how forage crops are faring and how best to respond to identified shortfalls.
Colostrum is key to overall calf health and performance, but good management is paramount for high concentration and efficient absorption of antibodies.
With lamb performance heavily reliant on the ewe’s milk supply, ensuring ewes are in the best condition pre-and post-lambing is key to achieving high lamb growth rates.