Research has shown heat stress at any point during the dry period can affect the lifetime performance and productivity of the developing foetus
Heat stress is one of the most challenging stressors on dairy cow production, compromising milk yield and quality and overall profitability
Running two dairy herds and a commercial property enterprise, Mike King has an efficient business, operating at a high level, but it was not always this way
Managing the risk factors associated with mycoplasma bovis is key to controlling the disease on-farm and protecting naive youngstock
Optimal establishment of clover swards is key for farmers to experience the benefits of nitrogen fixation and improved productivity
A focus on the milking routine can be a useful tool to help reduce mastitis incidence and vets can play an important role in this
Once conditions dry out, many farmers will start to think about over-seeding their pastures to improve health and productivity of grassland
Red clover is often presented as a good option for increasing grassland production, but it can be a difficult crop to establish and grow
Now is the time to make key decisions around grazing and silage management in order to mitigate the adverse effects of a late turnout and delayed nutrient applications
A livestock vet is warning of the increased risk from flies this spring and urging early action to prevent costly losses following one of the warmest and wettest springs on record