It feels more like spring here in Cheshire. For the first time in what feels like months, the concrete is dry
Peter Gantlett emailed FG to share his thoughts on succession planning and Inheritance Tax in dairy farming
The new chief executive of RABDF, Hayley Campbell-Gibbons, outlines her ambitions for the organisation's future
This month, Roger Evans tells us about his recent health 'MOT' and an appointment at the hospital
The former Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales shares her thoughts on bovine TB and highlights the recent FCN's report linking poor mental health and well-being to the impact of bTB
This month, Roger Evans discusses cheap food, recounts a tale about horse thefts and gives his thoughts on the debate around the right to die legislation
Oh what a three months it's been; Inheritance Tax, BPS slashing, capital grants ‘paused', the removal of commercial vehicle status on double cab pick ups and let's not forget the Bovaer foray
Glyn Lucas, dairy sales manager for Harrison & Hetherington, discusses the role of beef from the dairy herd fitting into the food chain
As I look back, 2024 was a year of lots of change for me, my business and farming in general in more ways than one
We were lucky enough to have a relatively quiet and drama-free Christmas period on the farm, with some drier weather helping