#FarmingCAN is an awareness campaign, launched by Farmers Guardian, agriculture's national weekly magazine. It promotes what British farming is and raises awareness of the vital work farmers are doing to the wider public, whether that be feeding the nation, protecting our environment or providing millions of jobs. Farming is also fundamental to our well-being, connecting us with our beautiful countryside and the rural communities within it. Read, listen, watch and learn about why farming matters and how you can support it.
At AHDB we are passionate about food and farming. We collaborate with producers, processors, government, industry experts, farming unions and the supply chain as well as stakeholders to help levy payers understand and manage their businesses in a profitable and sustainable way.
The NFU represents more than 46,000 farming and growing businesses. Our purpose is to champion British agriculture and horticulture, to campaign for a stable and sustainable future for British farmers and to secure the best possible deal for our members.
At CoOp we are committed to supporting British farmers - 100% of our fresh meat is British. By supporting British farming, we can boost the economies of communities across the UK and ensure the highest standards of animal welfare.