Arable and beef farmer Rob Atkin says 'lessons have been learned' and he has taken the time to improve drainage and infrastructure to withstand future ‘weather events'
Book digs deep into variety, plant health and management
Syngenta says incentive helps farmers adhere to best practice
The farming bank is set to offer free soil carbon analysis for every one of its loan customers, providing valuable new insights into more than 120,000 hectares of the nation’s farmland
Frontier Group's operating profits dropped by 30% to £37 million
The House of Lords Environment and Climate Change Committee inquiry will highlight and explore opportunities for the capture and reuse of existing reactive nitrogen
In the UK, winter wheat crop production potential looks mixed across regions
New research says early detection of pest population is key
By stimulating plant defence mechanisms, farmers no longer need to wait until T0 to protect their crops from disease, according to specialists
Barley yellow dwarf virus is a complex disease but advances in monitoring, diagnostics and plant breeding are helping to inform its management